Diario Personal

Por John Smith.

Donde los narcisismos y escapismos cobran sentido en una narrativa, catarsis desenfrenada y repentina que justifique el apego necio a ideales propios.


Christmas Night

Left alone by the characters of June,
A lonely man waits upon the arrival of December
To truly own, to truly live,
To experience the joys all before denied to his soul and to him free.
Have a laugh or have a sour
Face to what is up ashore.
I have lived well, I have lived through.
I have seen what I lacked along.
This journey is long, this journey is done,
I hope there is time to rest short.
And if I made good time of youth
I should be happy, I should get paid.
If I made my winter a tasty replacement
Of what spring has always sworn
To give my soul, to serve me free,
And to taste my buds and never impose.


